Five Amazing Things About Wetlands
Toby Fountain shares five amazing things about wetlands for World Wetlands Day
Toby Fountain shares five amazing things about wetlands for World Wetlands Day
Winter is a marvellous time in our wetlands as migrant birds leave their breeding grounds across Northern Europe and Russia to seek our milder climate in the UK. Ducks, swans and geese are joined…
How looking at types of pond vegetation helps us to survey the condition of our Ice Age Ponds.
Rose Ellis discusses the importance of ponds in our environment - and for our own wellbeing.
We may be a ‘wet’ nation, but wetlands – wildlife-rich, carbon-capturing oases – are in shorter supply than you might think. Wetlands have largely been removed from our landscape, and this loss is…
This month it's all about diving ducks! Winter is wonderful for water birds, with hundreds of thousands of ducks spending the season on our lakes, reservoirs and coasts. This identification…
River pollution is very much in the news at the moment and improving rivers for wildlife is high up on our agenda. Here's a summary of what Herefordshire Wildlife Trust are currently working…
Mammal expert Johnny Birks discusses the return of the beaver to Herefordshire's rivers. This article was first published in The Flycatcher, January 2020.