Daubenton's Bat, myotis daubentoni, adult, flying over water (c) Dale Sutton/2020vision
Herefordshire Bats
The Herefordshire Bat Atlas 1960 - 2020
Produced by Denise Foster and David Lee.
In the UK, 17 species of bats are known to breed and 15 of these have been recorded in Herefordshire. This second edition of the Herefordshire Bat Atlas – updated to 2020 - gives a comprehensive review of each species: identification, roost and feeding habits and distribution in Herefordshire.
The Atlas has been created using records taken from the same sources as the first 2015 edition; the Herefordshire Biological Records Centre (HBRC) and the National Biodiversity Network Gateway (NBN), with additional records collected from projects run by the authors. A total of 25,074 bat records were available; 16,983 held by the HBRC, 3,105 held by NBN and 4,986 records generated by our local projects.
Producing the Herefordshire Bat Atlas
You may also be interested to read the article The State of Herefordshire Bats: Producing the Herefordshire Bat Atlas - 2014 to 2020 by Denise Foster and David Lee about the Herefordshire Bat Atlas published in Volume Two of British Islands Bats (starting on Page 43). The article informs about the projects they undertook to enable them to collect the records for the county.
Access the publication online here