Wildflower meadow (c) Tom Marshall
Where to see wildlife in summer
Summer is a time of plenty and colour. Wildflower meadows burst into colour, butterflies fit between flowers and dragonflies and damselflies go about their business of hunting. Enjoy all the wildlife on offer at this time of year.
Where to see summer butterflies
Wildflower meadows are some of the best places to see summer butterflies flittering among the swathes of nectar rich plants. By hedgerows and in sunny woodland glades you'll see a host of different butterflies on the wing.

Silver-washed fritillary (c) Don Sutherland
Where to see dragonflies and damselflies
Along the edge of ponds, streams and ditches live dragonflies and smaller, dainty damselflies. They fly close to the surface of the water, hunting for flies, midges and mosquitoes. Damselflies come in vibrant colours of metallic green, blues and reds while dragonflies are larger and more robust,

Emerald damselfly (c) Mike Snelle
Where to see wildflower meadows
Herefordshire is blessed with wonderful wildflower meadows offering a rare window to a landscape now long forgotten in today's intensively farmed countryside. Protection from the deep plough, modern fertilisers and seed mixes has preserved a stunning array of wild flowers in our nature reserves.

Where to see orchids
In May, June and July a succession of rare orchids flower in abundance in Herefordshire in our wildflower meadows.

Ail Meadow Southern Marsh Orchid (c) Paul Lloyd