Planning Queries
Please note, we receive a high number of planning applications for review and are unable to respond to each one.
Planning application decisions take into account all of the responses to an application, therefore, if you are concerned about a local application the best thing you can do is to respond yourself and encourage your neighbours to consider responding as well. There is guidance on how to respond below.
When a decision regarding a planning application is being made, one of the considerations is the impact on different species (especially protected species). Most applications will be accompanied by an ecological impact assessment and although the surveys carried out as part of this will be detailed they do represent only a snapshot in time and therefore may miss things that those who live nearby see. The ecological impact assessment will take into account species records held by the National Biological Records Centre (NBRC), therefore you can help contribute to their understanding of local wildlife by recording any sightings you have. You can do this easily through Nature Counts webpage: https://record.herefordshirewt.org/