Blog: Pond Week


Insect against white background

Pond Wildlife

For Day Three of #PondWeek we're taking a look at wildlife that lives in and around ponds.

Duck with ducklings in a garden

Ducks take up residence

Geraldine and Bryan recently got in touch with a question about their newly resident ducks...

Woman kneeling looking into a net with young boy beside her

Pond Dippping

For Day Two of #PondWeek we're pond dipping!
Here's how to do it...

View from above of a small garden pond edged with stone and foliage

Barbara's Pond

Barbara's pond has attracted lots of new froggy friends!

Man wearing a cap looking at camera  with notice board and wild area of grass, water and trees behind

"Exceptional Waterlogged Heritage"

To celebrate #PondWeek, we've invited pond lovers from across the county to share their passion with us. here's the wonderful Nic Howes on "exceptional waterlogged heritage":…

Bright yellow flowers above green leaves

Pond Plants

For Day One of Pond Week we're sharing some of our favourite pond plants!


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