Blog: Ponds


View from above of a small garden pond edged with stone and foliage

Barbara's Pond

Barbara's pond has attracted lots of new froggy friends!

Bright yellow flowers above green leaves

Pond Plants

For Day One of Pond Week we're sharing some of our favourite pond plants!

Spider on green foliage

Petrifying Pond Creatures

Ponds are full of weird and wonderful creatures lurking around and, while we love them all, some of them are totally creepy! Meg Cotterrell investigates in her Halloween blog...

Pond in winter surrounded with long grass and bushes

What makes a pond a pond?

We all have a picture in our minds of what a pond is don’t we? For me it is the pond in the village I grew up in, a very traditional village pond with a duck house (which was constantly falling…

Three people stood by pond in grassland dotted with trees; winter

Ice Age Ponds: Walking Survey

Our #IceAgePonds team have been busy, along with our fantastic volunteers, going out into the field to see how many ponds they can identify all over Herefordshire! Take a watch to find out what…


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