Five wetlands to visit in Herefordshire
Winter is a marvellous time in our wetlands as migrant birds leave their breeding grounds across Northern Europe and Russia to seek our milder climate in the UK. Ducks, swans and geese are joined…
Winter is a marvellous time in our wetlands as migrant birds leave their breeding grounds across Northern Europe and Russia to seek our milder climate in the UK. Ducks, swans and geese are joined…
Ice Age Ponds Trainee Kath Beasley goes on the hunt for an elusive character...
Our #IceAgePonds team have been busy, along with our fantastic volunteers, going out into the field to see how many ponds they can identify all over Herefordshire! Take a watch to find out what…
Ice Age ponds are home to a wonderful array of wildlife including many rare and protected species. Ice Age project trainee Katherine Beasley explores the plants and animals which live in these…
Easter is just around the corner and the #IceAgePonds second blog is all about the eggs you can find in ponds in springtime. A different sort of Easter egg hunt to the ones we are used to but…
A short film following the Ice Age Ponds team as spend a day surveying at the wonderful Moccas Park
Sarah, project trainee, provides an update on the first practical volunteer training in 2021
This month it's all about diving ducks! Winter is wonderful for water birds, with hundreds of thousands of ducks spending the season on our lakes, reservoirs and coasts. This identification…