Lea & Paget's Wood Nature Reserve (c) Paul Lloyd
Lea & Paget's Wood
Know before you go
When to visit
Opening times
Dawn to duskBest time to visit
Carpets of bluebells with wood anemone, primrose and yellow archangel make a spectacular sight in spring.About the reserve
Situated on the slopes of the Woolhope Dome Landscape, Lea & Pagets Wood is arguably one of the finest ancient, semi-natural, broad-leaved woodlands in this area.
Large and spectacular drifts of bluebells make a fine show in springtime, mixed in with wood anemone, ramsons and early purple orchids. You can also spot herb paris, wild daffodil, sanicle, wild liquorice and greater butterfly orchid.
There are a variety of magnificent trees dominated by sessile oak and ash and an understorey composed of hazel and field maple, together with some hawthorn, holly, crab-apple and spindle.
Lea & Pagets is home to a small population of pied flycatchers, all three woodpecker species and many warblers. Alongside common woodland butterflies, the woodland is home to white admirals and wood whites and this is a good place to see the spectacular silver-washed fritillary. There is a thriving population of dormice; foxes and badgers are present, while groups of fallow deer are often glimpsed.
Contact us
From Hereford: Leave Hereford on the B4224 and follow this road through Fownhope village. As you are leaving the village, take a left turn up Hawkers Lane. As you come to the crest of the hill (passing the junction with Common Hill Lane on your left) there is a footpath sign on the right, opposite a cottage on the left. This is the footpath leading to Lea & Paget’s Wood. There is a lay-by just a little further on with room to park.

Lea and Paget's Wood site map
Woolhope Dome Guided Walk
Click the image below to download the walk leaflet

Davies Meadow Nature Reserve (Paul Lloyd)
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