Common Hill
Know before you go
Dogs are excluded from certain areas. Please keep them on a short lead where they are permitted.
When to visit
Opening times
Dawn to duskBest time to visit
Early spring to late summerAbout the reserve
There are four parts to this reserve; Monument Hill, Round's Meadow, North Meadow and Old Cider House. Common Hill was common land until the early Nineteenth century, by which time most of it had been enclosed into small holdings. Monument Hill was one such holding and what was once grazing land is now a herb rich meadow. North Meadow and Old Cider House are another small holding, and was part arable and part orchard. Although the orchard remains, the arable land has reverted to grassland. Common Hill is part of the Woolhope Dome Living Landscape.
In August 2020 we purchased Round's Meadow, an additional field of 3.1 acres at Common Hill, adjacent to the Monument Hill. We are managing the new land with seasonal grazing and spreading seed collected from areas of the existing reserve to improve the diversity of wildflowers and grasses.
Over 20 kinds of butterflies have been recorded on Common Hill including the wood white - a species which is rapidly declining nationally but which maintains a stronghold in Herefordshire and the Woolhope Dome in particular. We also recorded wildflowers such as betony and cowslip with bird's nest orchid just outside the land.
Contact us
Follow Common Hill Lane out of the village of Fownhope. As you come to the brow of the hill there is a small parking area where tracks lead away in multiple directions.

Common Hill site map
Common Hill Nature Reserve, Herefordshire (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CZ8pojMGLE)
Voluntary Warden David Watkins introduces Common Hill nature reserve, set in the landscape of the Woolhope Dome in Herefordshire.
Woolhope Dome Guided Walk
Click the image below to download the walk leaflet

Davies Meadow Nature Reserve (Paul Lloyd)
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