Join Herefordshire Wildlife Trust Today

Two kingfishers on a branch

Join Herefordshire Wildlife Trust

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Get Wildside magazine three times a year ()
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                            Local Wildlife Needs Your Help

Herefordshire Wildlife Trust has been protecting nature for over 60 years. Wildlife and their habitats are declining, and it's only natural that you want to help protect them by becoming a member.

Join our 8,000 plus likeminded wildlife lovers and make a real difference today. Not only do membership subscriptions provide the funding for our core work but our members provide a voice for wildlife and take action across the county, helping us to create a Wilder Herefordshire. 

Select your membership type

Funny Frog
From £3.50 a month


Pair of Bewick swans in flight
From £4.00 a month


For two adults living at the same address
Family of barn owls in barn owl box
From £5.00 a month


For two adults and up to four children. All the benefits of adult and Wildlife Watch membership!
Young girl with binoculars
From £2.00 a month

Wildlife Watch

Wildlife Watch membership is for children aged 3 to 14 years.
ancient tree
From £560.00

Individual Life Membership

Pair of great crested grebe
From £850.00

Joint Life Membership

“Herefordshire’s rich and varied wildlife is at the heart of the county, its landscapes and its gardens.
I urge you to join Herefordshire Wildlife Trust today to support their work celebrating and conserving our precious natural heritage.”
Monty Don
Patron, Herefordshire Wildlife Trust
Membership Welcome pack Herefordshire Wildlife Trust

Individual/Joint Membership

What you will receive:

Your Wild Welcome members handbook and mini reserve guide

Native wildflower seeds and a car sticker

Three issues of Wildside magazine a year

Invited to supporter Discovery days and Discovery Walks throughout the year

Regular email updates about our work

children reading Wildlife Watch magazine

Family Membership

Join as a family and you'll receive a Wildlife Watch welcome pack, which includes:

- Wildlife Watch magazine four times a year
- Posters and a membership card
- Stickers and a badge
- Wildlife Watch handbook

Plus all of the above

Bartonsham Meadows


By becoming a member you’ll support us to:

Look after our 60 nature reserves

Encourage landowners to make space for wildlife

Educate and inspire the next generation of wildlife-lovers

Campaign for wildlife 

Sir David Attenborough


"The Wildlife Trusts play an important role in protecting our natural heritage.

I would encourage anyone who cares about wildlife to join them."

Sir David Attenborough

Join Today

Still have questions about becoming a member or if you're already a member and need to make changes to your membership please contact Membership Officer Lesley Hack on 07940462285 /