Take a Wellbeing Walk

Take a Wellbeing Walk

Nature is good for us!

As humans, we evolved from hunter-gatherers, and nature was both our greatest resource and our home. Today, a wealth of research highlights the healing power of nature in keeping us emotionally, psychologically, and physically well. We lead busy lives, and finding time to slow down and simply be connected to our natural home can sometimes seem impossible, however, when we do we can quickly feel the benefit to our overall sense of wellbeing. 

Walking Well

The key to a successful wellbeing walk is to move slowly and softly, engaging all your senses, and let nature work its green medicine.

In Herefordshire, we are lucky to have many beautiful places to go for a walk . So next time you are out, why not consider following one of these pathways to deeper nature connection developed by Derby University. 

Senses (Contact):
This is about "opening the sense doors" of sight, smell, touch, hearing, and taste. By directly experiencing our natural environment, we foster a closer relationship with it. Try this exercise on your walk: Identify 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste (only taste what you know is safe—even the air can be tasted!).

Focusing on things we find beautiful relaxes our nervous system and creates pleasant memories. Watch a butterfly, notice dappled light through leaves, slowly smell a flower, or observe grass swaying in the breeze.

Notice how you feel when you observe something that catches your attention on a walk. It could be birdsong, a stunning view or the weather that day. These moments can evoke powerful emotions that deepen your connection to nature.

At the end of your walk do you feel more relaxed, revitalised or maybe even restored?