White Rocks Nature Reserve (c) Paul Cooper
White Rocks Nature Reserve
Know before you go
When to visit
Opening times
Dawn to duskBest time to visit
All times of yearAbout the reserve
The past history of the area has produced a rich mosaic of habitats, with an accompanying diversity of wildlife. Much of the woodland is ancient with tall beech, ash, and oak grown up from old coppice stools. The ground flora here is dominated by bluebells and bramble. There are strips of grassland that contain plants such as quaking grass and salad burnet. These areas form a very attractive habitat for butterflies, such as marbled white and ringlet. White Rocks is part of The Doward Living Landscape - click here for more information.
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White Rocks site map
White Rocks Nature Reserve (Katie Harris)
Visiting The Doward
Click here to find out moreIntroduction to White Rocks nature reserve (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cJUdy6yFvc)
An Introduction to White Rocks nature reserve with Voluntary Warden and naturalist Ian Draycott

Davies Meadow Nature Reserve (Paul Lloyd)
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