false - Vaughn Matthews (please also tag @vaughnmatthews8 if using on Instagram or @VaughnMatthews2 on Twitter)
Flabellina pedata by Paul Naylor Violet sea slug Despite its dazzling colouration, this fabulous nudibranch can be easily missed, due to its small size! Scientific nameEdmundsella pedata When to seeApril – October. Species information StatisticsUp to 5cm long.Common. Habitats Marine AboutEggs are laid as a thin, white thread and can sometimes be easier to spot than the sea slug itself!How to identifyA very small nudibranch with striking violet/pinky-purple colouration, with white tips to the projections running along its back.DistributionFound around all British coasts.Did you know?All nudibranchs are sea slugs, but not all sea slugs are nudibranchs!