Things you can do about climate change
Climate change, ecosystems and species resilience:
Holly Thompson explains why recovering natural habitats and building resilience into the populations of our native species are essential in the face of our dramatically changing climate.
Weobley Branch Talk: Wye Adapt to Climate Change
Join us at Weobley Village Hall for a talk 'Wye Adapt to Climate Change' by Holly Thompson.
Wye Adapt to Climate Change? Project Blog
The Wye Adapt to Climate Change project, begun in 2023, is a partnership between the Wye Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Partnership, Radnorshire Wildlife Trust and Herefordshire…
Wye Adapt to Climate Change? Blog: The importance of soils
Holly Thompson explains why healthy soils are ever more essential as our climate changes.
Wye Adapt to Climate Change? project update June 2024
The Wye Adapt to Climate Change? project has been running for nearly a year and has made great strides towards achieving the project’s goals and outcomes...
Wye Adapt to Climate Change? Blog: Clean-water ponds: A quick and cost-effective nature-based solution to reduce catchment-wide declines in freshwater biodiversity
A blog from Holly Williams from our Wye Adapt to Climate Change? project team on the importance of freshwater ponds within the landscape - and how we can create more
Change what you eat
Eat more plant-based foods, reduce your food waste and buy local produce to shrink your environmental footprint.
Climate friendly gardening
There are plenty of ways you can take action against climate change in your own backyard or local greenspace.
Global Climate Strikes
The Wildlife Trusts fully support people across the UK who feel compelled to demonstrate their concern. We face heartbreak daily as we see the wildlife we love lost time and time again. As a…
8,000 hectares of land in Herefordshire supporting climate resilience
Wye Adapt to Climate Change project has provided advice on over 8,000 hectares of land in its first year with land managers, farmers and landowners considering how their land holdings can be made…