Support Us
There are lots of ways you can support Herefordshire Wildlife Trust while also getting involved yourself!
Consultancy Services
Herefordshire Wildlife Trust offers a range of consultancy services from ecological surveys to support with Countryside Stewardship and…
Natural Flood Management
Detail on Natural Flood Management services that can be provided by Herefordshire Wildlife Trust's Farming with Nature consultancy…
Information for Current Volunteers
Information to support your volunteering experience with Herefordshire Wildlife Trust.
Welcome to Herefordshire Wildlife Trust. We're creating a wilder Herefordshire with more nature, everywhere, for everyone.
Herefordshire Local Wildlife Sites
What is a Local Wildlife Site? Plus, information for landowners in Herefordshire with a Local Wildlife Site on their land.
Habitat Management Plans
Detail on the habitat management planning services provided by Herefordshire Wildlife Trust's Farming with Nature consultancy.
Nature Action for Schools
Ways that your school can take action for nature with Herefordshire Wildlife Trust
School visits to Bartonsham Meadows
Find out more about bringing your school to Bartonsham Meadows, an in-school visit or support for your after school club.
Wildlife & Habitat Surveying
Detail on the wildlife and habitat surveying services provided by Herefordshire Wildlife Trust's Farming with Nature consultancy.…