Soil sampling

Black and white graphic of cow grazing in flowery field with swifts above

Soil Sampling

Assessing soil is fundamental to understanding the productivity and ecological health of agricultural land.

Assessing soil from the perspective of structure, organic matter, worm counts and water percolation, we can provide a deeper insight into your soil health and how it can be improved.

We can test soils for you to comply with government related and certification requirements.

Contact us for more information

Our Fees

Per hour £72 incl. VAT (Visits only)

Half Day £240 incl. VAT (Visit & small report)

Full Day £480 incl. VAT (Visit and reporting)

Grant Scheme Application – 10% of total overall claim plus VAT

Annual Renewal Fee/year - £600 incl. VAT

Soil Testing – at cost price from the laboratory plus VAT