10,000 Stories

10,000 Stories

As part of plans to form a Citizens Alliance Herefordshire, we're teaming up with Healthwatch Herefordshire to collect 10,000 stories from across the county.

Healthwatch Herefordshire and Herefordshire Wildlife Trust are delighted to be partnering with Citizens UK to bring to the county the first Citizens Alliance Herefordshire. Citizens UK is the UK’s biggest, most diverse, and most effective people-powered alliance. They’re bringing together everyday people and local organisations to build a better, fairer society. 

And we want you to be part of that change! Through 10,000 Stories we are engaging with the people of Herefordshire and we’re asking what works well in Herefordshire, what one thing you would change and why. Your views, opinions and stories will help shape change for communities and individuals, bringing about both social mobilisation and action with the help of the newly emerging Citizens Alliance Herefordshire.

We are working in partnership with several different agencies to bring about a wider change to the county, ensuring that people are part of the solution and that the power lies at the grass roots.

Herefordshire is a wonderful county with a real sense of community. We have a strong, vibrant and diverse range of people, communities and businesses. This county might be small in size but mighty in community spirit! And it’s this community spirit that we want to capture.

There are a number of ways you can tell us your story:

  • keep an eye out for our postcards and post boxes in a number of places across the county;
  • come and talk to us! We would love to see and hear from you at our Chatty Van, the first mobile Public Living Room where you can grab a brew and tell us what you would like to change. Like the Healthwatch Herefordshire Facebook page and find out more information on where we are going to be this autumn;
  • last but not least! You can tell us your story online, from the comfort of your home or office… or anywhere at all!

Citizen’s Herefordshire – 10,000 stories


Find out more here

Caravan with bright deckchairs in front and small group of people