The Big Paddle Cleanup

The Big Paddle Cleanup


Paddle UK


You can take part in or organise a paddle cleanup to clear your local waterways of rubbish and plastic pollution. Check the website for when The Big Paddle Cleanup is taking place. 


Any watercourse within the UK

Level of commitment:

Low if you are joining an existing group, you can spend as much time collecting litter as you like. The level of commitment may be higher if you are the one organising a paddle cleanup, as you will need to organise people (i.e. timings, date etc.) and equipment. There are resources available on the event website to help you advertise the event 

Training required: 

None – you just need to be able to collect litter, either from on the water or from the bank

Kit needed: 

Gloves, bags and hand sanitisers are essential, and litter pickers are helpful. Paddle UK can sometimes supply cleanup kits – check the website 


Cleanup rubbish from the waterways to improve it for wildlife and people and help to raise awareness of the issue 

Get started