Activating your Membership Gift Box

Membership Gift Box Registration Form

To be able to make the most of your Membership Gift Box, activate your membership within six months of the date that it was purchased. Please refer to the gift receipt for that date.

Please note the below form is for recipients of our Membership Gift Box only. If you have any questions or would like to find out more please email

To activate an Individual Adult Membership

Contact preferences

We would love to keep in touch with you, to let you know about the impact your support is having on our work, as well as other ways you can get involved.
I am happy to hear from Herefordshire Wildlife Trust, about the impact of my support & other ways I can get involved, by:

Check all that apply
You can update the way you hear from us at any time by contacting our Membership Team on either 07940462285 or
We promise to protect your personal data, in accordance with our Privacy Policy:

To activate a Wildlife Watch Membership

Details of Wildlife Watch member

I am the parent/guardian of the above named child. I am happy for Herefordshire Wildlife Trust to send Wildlife Watch membership mailings to my child at the address above.

Details of Parent or Carer over 18 years

Contact preferences

we would love to keep in touch with you, to let you know about the impact your support is having on our work, as well as other ways you can get involved.
I am happy to hear from Herefordshire Wildlife Trust, about the impact of my support & other ways I can get involved, by:

Check all that apply
You can update the way you hear from us at any time by contacting our Membership Team on either 07940462285 or
We promise to protect your personal data, in accordance with our Privacy Policy: