Hereford Yazor Brook Restoration Project

Hereford Yazor Brook Restoration Project


Hereford Yazor Brook Restoration Project and Herefordshire Wildlife Trust City Branch 


Voluntary work to help protect and improve the environment of the Yazor Brook making it a watercourse that flows naturally, causes fewer problems when it floods, and supports more wildlife. The group undertake practical river restoration work, litter picking, pollution monitoring, tree planting and wildlife surveys such as the Riverfly Monitoring. 


Hereford city, along the Yazor Brook, Widemarsh Brook and the Eign Brook until the confluence with the River Wye. 

Level of commitment:

The group meet most Fridays and undertake practical work along the brook. There is no definite commitment for volunteers to be present every week, just when they are able

Training required: 

No training required other than signing up as a Herefordshire Wildlife Trust volunteer with Felicity Kienstra. Sometimes specific training for safety and skills is offered. Everyone has different practical skills and knowledge to offer, so there are many ways of helping

Kit needed: 

Boots and clothing appropriate to the weather. All other tools and gloves available for those starting to volunteer with HYBRP 


Provision of an important refuge for wildlife in the heart of the City and a valuable natural space for everyone to enjoy

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