Green Young Minds, for 16-25 year olds
A free 5 session wellbeing programme for young people
32 results
A free 5 session wellbeing programme for young people
We’re planting a small orchard on Bartonsham Meadows and we’d love for you to join us.
There have been some exciting discoveries at Herefordshire’s Local Wildlife Sites in the last year!
We’ll be tackling fencing and hedge clearance in this session.
Volunteer led work party
The Wild About Gardens workshop is a free, friendly session designed to help gardeners of all experience levels turn their outdoor spaces into havens for wildlife.The workshop will cover practical…
Herefordshire Bat Research Project, 12 years of data - Denise Plume
We’ll be tackling fencing and hedge clearance in this session.
Sarah King, Nature Recovery Manager at Herefordshire Wildlife Trust presents a talk on the Wye Adapt to Climate Change project.
We’ll be tackling fencing and hedge clearance in this session.
32 results