Protecting Herefordshire's hedgerows

Protecting Herefordshire's hedgerows

Whitethroat Sylvia communis Portrait of an adult perched in a hedgerow with some food for its young. Hope Farm, Cambridgeshire, UK Photographer.Andrew Parkinson - Andrew Parkinson/2020VISION

Hedgerow regulations - protecting hedges from untimely cutting or illegal removal

Most rural hedgerows are protected and cannot be removed without planning permission. Even then, the hedge needs to be less than 30 years old. Full details:

If you believe a hedgerow is being illegally removed, you should report it to the police. You can do this via their online crime reporting system:  or call 101. If the removal is in progress you should call 999.

The concern around cutting hedgerows relates to the disturbance of wild birds. It is illegal to intentionally disturb, harm or kill wild birds and it is illegal to intentionally or recklessly disturb or damage a nest. Natural England says: “the main bird breeding season is recognised as being between 1 March and 31 July. Therefore the risk of committing any of the above offences is increased between these dates. It is recommended that if you undertake any work within these dates you should check the hedge for any signs of breeding activity first (such as observation from a distance using binoculars and direct searching of the hedge for nests).” Full details:

If you suspect an offence is/has been committed in relation to wild birds then contact your local  Wildlife Crime Officer via the online crime reporting system: or call 101. If the disturbance is in progress you should call 999.